Monday, June 9, 2008

The Homestretch...

Well, here we are. Less than 2 weeks.

I will swim 2.4 miles

I will bike 112 miles

I will run 26.2 miles

I will cross the line with a smile on my face regardless of what the day may bring.

I remember from last year how fast these final two weeks seem to fly by. Already I've started having the race dreams, restless sleep, restless all the time really. Oh, and my stomach is quite frequently doing somersaults. I constantly see myself on the course, imagining how I will feel (good/bad), the things that may happen and how I will deal with them if they do...

I have made my lists and one bag is completely packed. I ship my bike on Thursday and I have already started making piles with all the other "stuff" I will need - race day stuff, pre-race stuff, post-race stuff, Seattle stuff...I want to have all my "stuff" packed by Sunday. That's part of my try-and-relax-before-I-go strategy.

I want to try to take in more of the "moments" while I'm there, instead of wondering around with a deer-in-the-headlight, glossy-eyed gaze. I want to enjoy being with my friends and coaches. I want to be set up and ready to go by Friday so that I can relax (ha!) on Saturday.

There is nothing left to do now but enjoy the ride...

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