Saturday, March 1, 2008

Finding the Right Shorts...

Why is it that I can't seem to find the right pair of shorts? You know, ones that won't creep up on my thighs and won't bother my "delicate" sitting area. Today I was out for a 63 mile ride (Pedal Thru the Pines - a great charity ride) and thought I'd try out a new pair of tri shorts...bad idea!! The elastic in the thighs is great - no creeping there. But the seat was a whole different story. Why does the chamois seem to always bother me right where I sit? It's terrible to have to constantly be adjusting my shorts and not to mention, very unlady-like. It's as if the seam of the chamois just starts to dig into...well, you know what I'm talking about.

Anyway, if anyone has any suggestions on how to find the "perfect" tri shorts, please let me know!

Oh btw, the ride was great- great weather, very well supported with volunteers and goodies and I averaged 18 mph over the 63 miles and felt like I could've kept if I can only get my running legs back!

1 comment:

Mel said...

I have to admit, I thought of this post today when pseudo 'commuting' by bike from downtown to kinney avenue off of barton springs. I was in running shorts. I can affirmatively say that RUNNING SHORTS ARE NOT ADEQUATE. I don't know how some of the female triathletes ride in a swimsuit. They must have...never mind. As for shorts, well, tri style sort of shorts, I can recommend SheBeest Nirvana's:
I found mine at bettysport a few months back.