I decided that while I am not currently experiencing any "drastic" life altering events, I am experiencing life altering changes:
I am eating better (most of the time)
Cooking more
Taking my lunch to work regularly
Enjoying my babies (my 4-legged babies)
Making my work life more satisfying, but never closing my eyes to possibilities)
Practicing Yoga
Making girl-time
Making couple-time
Making me-time!
Finding ways to relax
Sparking my training
Sharing my knowledge by teaching
Conscientiously trying not to be so critical of my shortcomings (except for my weight - unavoidable!)
running. running. running!!
I am trying to adopt a more relaxed attitude and be open to more possibilities - be it sport, work or whatever!
So, doing the same things year after year doesn't mean you're in a rut - it's how you do them that's key. Life changes come in all shapes and sizes and right now...mine are m&m sized but quite plentiful!